Jack Loves Pizza

Pizza Restaurant Based in Los Angeles Branding · Logo · Website
Jack Loves Pizza
Baseline Evaluation

Jack Loves Pizza rec­og­nized that their indus­try was inher­ent­ly saturated and often duplicated. Thus, they hoped to bring some fun and vibran­cy to their brand while remain­ing gen­uine and authen­tic. The Jack Loves Pizza team set­tled on the brand attrib­ut­es Family, Fresh, and Welcome. From there, it was up to us to build a brand to pro­pel the family business forward.

Brand Attributes - Family, Fresh, and Welcome.

First Round of Ideation

In the first round of ideation, the con­cep­tu­al direc­tions pre­sent­ed to Jack Loves Pizza was ​“Exciting Love,”​ “Underground Retro,” and ​“Modern Wave.”​“Exciting Love” was pro­gres­sive in its approach to col­or, includ­ed an extreme­ly ver­sa­tile mark, and had a logo­type that strad­dled the line of tra­di­tion­al and mod­ern. The ​“Underground Retro” direc­tion explored the rela­tion­ship of illustration and food. We played with ways we could com­bine the two visu­al­ly to com­mu­ni­cate a har­mo­nious jux­ta­po­si­tion. And final­ly, ​“Modern Wave” show­cased a logo­type com­plete­ly drawn from scratch that com­mu­ni­cat­ed human touch with a nod to pizza.

Refinement Process

With the pre­ferred direc­tion nar­rowed down to ​“Exciting Love,” we began hom­ing in on col­or and visu­al lan­guage. In addi­tion to the blue-and-red palette, we want­ed to find oth­er options that were rel­e­vant and pleasing. ​We drew inspi­ra­tion from their love of pizza for the heart logo mark. Adding a circular shape behind the typography gave it a stamp of approval. We also rotated the logo to make the visu­al lan­guage real­ly robust and flexible.

Brand Style Guidelines

Once the final refine­ments were made, we craft­ed their Brand Style Guide­lines. These guide­lines spell out how to bring the new brand to life, includ­ing col­ors, logo, and mark para­me­ters. The com­plete­ly cus­tom word­mark com­mu­ni­cates warmth and approach­a­bil­i­ty while also lean­ing mod­ern with its mix of illustration and typography. In addi­tion, the pizza heart logo mark was tak­en from the word­mark. It’s a bold visu­al that can be scaled up as a graph­i­cal ele­ment or scaled way down to fav­i­con size. While red may be com­mon in the com­pet­i­tive land­scape, there isn’t one quite like this. The warm red, gold and light blue add a wel­com­ing vibe, while the dark grey and cream evoke trust­wor­thi­ness. Jack Loves Pizza had difficulty letting go of the conceptual artworks that were not chosen, so we created a merchandise capsule to promote their new brand.